Enter a chicken recipe

If you have an especially good chicken recipe you'd like to share with others , a good way might be to enter the National Chicken Cooking Contest. Recipes should feature broiler-fryer chicken, whole or parts, with or without bone, and should make approximately 4 servings. Preparation time for making the recipe must not exceed 3 hours.

Chicken dishes will be judged on 4 equal points: simplicity, appeal, taste and appearance.

Finalists from each state receive free trips to the national cook-off in Atlanta, Ga., August 6 where they will prepare their recipes for a panel of judges. Top winner receives $10,000 and another $10,000 is split among the next 4 winners.

Mail entries by March 15 to: Chicken Contest, Box 28158, Central Station, Washington, D.C. 20005.

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