Colleges, Universities, receive large gifts from private, corporate philanthropy

In 1981, a few colleges and universities received some extremely large grants from private sources.

Louisiana State University received one of the largest grants ever made to any US college or university - 100 million dollars ($100,000,000). The Pennington Medical Foundation was the donor.

The Hearst Corporation gave the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) a whopping $62 million. And the University of Oklahoma received $30 million from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Saxon.

Jean Brown gave Arkansas College $14.3 million, and $11.7 million to Austin Presbyterian Seminary. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation gave several large grants, the major one to Michigan State University ($10 million).

Washington University received two large private gifts, one from Elinor Anheuser Storz of $6.2 million and one from Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. of $3,880, 000.

It is estimated that all US colleges and universities received, just in 1981, more than $4 billion in gifts and bequests.

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