Israel Chamber

Israel Chamber Orchestra For the price of a ticket, the Israel Chamber Orchestra offered Boston concertgoers a mixed bag of music and politics last Sunday.

Prokofiev's Classical Symphony (actually a parody of the genre) opened the concert. Despite the excessive speed of the first movement, the orchestra brought out every musical joke with its brilliant tone and clarity of melodic line. From the timeless charm of the slow movement to the effervescent Finale the musicians played with skill and conviction.

Just as zesty a reading was given the ''real'' classical symphony on the program, Mozart's ''Jupiter,'' as well as the Schumann Cello Concerto. Although cellist Leonard Rose lacked a necessary power and brilliance in his fortes, his breathtaking pianissimos commanded the audience's attention.

Wedged in the middle of the program was a 20-minute tribute to and appeal for Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg (now presumably held in a Soviet prison) and the playing of the chillingly stark T'Filot (Prayers). Although the orchestra grew impatient with the tribute's length, the audience seemed intent.

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