Peggy saves the Common; Adam's Common, by David Wiseman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 175 pp. $11. 95.

Peggy falls in love with Adam's Common the first time she sees it. To her, it is the only nice thing about Traverton, the neglected English factory town she and her family have moved to from Boston.

When Peggy learns that Adam's Common is to become a commercial development, she is distraught. Although many of the townspeople are against the development, Councillor Brookes refuses to listen to the townspeople.

Peggy is determined to save the common and is helped, unbeknown to her, by William Trafford, once heir to the Trafford fortune, who dedicated the common to the town 150 years before.

David Wiseman has written a good book and has skillfully woven the fantasy world of William with Peggy's present-day world.

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