From Yorkshire Pudding to pickles

``Harrod's Cookery Book'' (Arbor House, $25) is a colorful, handsome volume of reliable recipes for such English foods as Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding, Dundee Cake, Steak and Oyster Pie, Clementine Cake, Trifle, Gooseberry Ice Cream, and many others. Harrod's food halls are the place visiting cooks head for when they get to London, and this book provides some of the reasons why. It has gorgeous illustrations and is fully ``Americanized'' (in terms of measurements and the like). It is not really for beginners, however.

``The Gourmet Carrot Cookbook,'' by Mary Mac, is published by the Central Florida Wildlife Adoption Society. (Box 434, Howey-in-the-Hills, Fla. 32737 $8.95 plus $1.50 postage and handling).

Ms. Mac tells of her animals and life on Goose Garden Farm where she grows lots of vegetables, especially carrots.

If you've ever longed for a different way to cook carrots, you'll find it and more in this spiralbound book with more than 300 different recipes for this one vegetable. There's a bit of the history of carrots and some planting tips, but the recipes are the best part, with everything from dips and chowders to icings, drinks and pickles.--30--{et

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