'Politically Correct' Segregation?

The columns "The Classroom Versus the Field of Dreams" and "Wilder and the Liberals," both Aug. 20, succinctly describe the current black American education debate. Douglas Wilder's implied rejection of such cultural-isolationist ploys as "black English" is philosophically compatible with the ACLU/NOW's right-minded objection to single-culture, single-sex "academies" for the children of apathetic, bewildered, and economically disenfranchised parents. The self-serving sociopolitical agenda of those who would promote such "politically correct" segregation sadly confuses ethnic chauvinism with American ideals of equality and fairness under the law. Alan Hull, Marietta, Ga. Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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