Looking for Living Space? Start in Cyberspace

www.realtor.com - Offers detailed listings, and often pictures, of homes for sale nationwide, although databanks are still under construction for a few cities, such as Seattle. It also gives details about the area, names of participating brokers, and a listing code to give your own broker to get more details or make an offer.

www.homescout.com - Searches real estate listings on hundreds of other sites and lets you sort by price, number of bedrooms, and proximity to your ideal location.

www.maxsol.com/homes/ - Holds new buyers' hands with a step-by-step guide to the whole home buying, financing, and moving process.

www.financenter.com - One of the best personal-finance sites on the Web, it has a series of calculators just for home buyers. They can figure the size of a mortgage payment, mortgage insurance payments, necessary down payments, and how much of a mortgage you might qualify for. Bookmark it.

www.homefair.com - Has all kinds of advice for new-home buyers - how to choose a neighborhood, where to find a mortgage, how to find the cheapest moving company.

Your local newspaper's Web site - Many local newspapers offer real estate classifieds, home buyers' advice, even "sold" prices on homes, by neighborhood, online.

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