
If Muslims disapprove of the norms in Europe, they can leave

In regard to your Feb. 28 editorial, "Europe must find a home for its Muslims": I think it's up to the Muslims to integrate themselves. If they want to live in European countries, they will have to adjust to European customs, culture, and lifestyles. As the old saying goes, "When in Rome [or London, Paris, Madrid, etc.], do as the Romans do." If they want to live under the rules of sharia, then Europe is not for them.

Europeans, of whatever nationality, are under no obligation to turn their societies upside down to accommodate disgruntled newcomers. Riots, terrorism, and culture clashes have shown that - just as oil and water don't mix - it is extremely difficult for people of such different backgrounds to get along. Moreover, I think Muslims have no right to demand tolerance for themselves when they seem to exhibit so little in their homelands for those who are deemed "infidels."
Frederick Goldman
Englishtown, N.J.

Rooting for Russians in ice hockey

I really enjoyed the Feb. 24 article, "Hockey, as played by a rising Russian star," about Alexander Ovechkin. It captured my sentiments about him exactly. As a rabid hockey fan, I heard all the hype about him when he was drafted and was interested to see him play. I finally did see him for the first time this winter when the Capitals played my home team, the Mighty Ducks. It was the Alex Ovechkin Show. He single-handedly beat the Ducks 3-2, with his first NHL hat trick. My husband, who covers professional Russian athletes for Russian news organizations, wrote a story that night appropriately titled "Ovechkin 3, Anaheim 2." I was an instant fan. Seeing Mr. Ovechkin's performance and exuberance for the sport in the Olympics has made me an even bigger fan. As an American, I found myself rooting for the Russian men's ice hockey team, just so I could see what more he could do!
Jennifer Tolkachev
Orange County, Calif.

Siestas make workers more productive

The Jan. 19 article, "Sleepless in Spain: the siesta recedes," was interesting.

But although the article was nicely written, it did not mention research that clearly indicates that a lunchtime siesta returns an employee to "peak" performance, allowing him or her to generate the highest quality work.

But as most American employees know, businesses in the US are oblivious to these studies, and siestas or lunchtime naps are discouraged. This is not surprising since the US is a country where business practices often push employees to "churn and burn" - to work 60 to 70 hours a week, until they burn out and quit.

It is sad to hear that the siesta is coming to an end in Spain. I only hope businesses in Spain avoid "churn and burn" practices that are so destructive and disruptive in the US.
Tom Johnson
Brea, Calif.

Disclose the warrantless wiretaps

Regarding the March 1 article, "More pushback from Hill on eavesdropping": Americans anxiously await resolution to the NSA eavesdropping fiasco. I am sure the powers that be will arrive at a reasonable solution to this controversy.

However, before anything can happen we must be assured there have been no blatant abuses of power that have violated the rights of US citizens.

Full disclosure of all warrantless wiretaps for review by the FISA court should be an absolute requirement prior to any further discussion on this issue. We are waiting.
Eric Daar
Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.

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