
Mexico's border-crossing theme park is not all fun and games

Regarding the Feb. 21 article "Mexicans cross 'the border' – at a theme park": It is bothersome to many US citizens that Mexicans are so supportive – or in this case, inventive – when it comes to illegal immigration to the US. My wife is from Mexico, I have lived in Mexico, and all three of my children are joint US/Mexican citizens. So I am no stranger to the situation. In my wife's home state of Nayarit, illegal immigration to the US is common, and no one, in either Mexico or the US, really seems intent on wanting to solve this problem.

I sympathize with many of my Mexican friends and relatives, some of whom have come legally into this country to build better economic lives for themselves.

However, that does not mean some Mexicans' attitudes toward the problem, which give new meaning to the term "hands off," can be condoned.

It's the responsibility of Mexican government officials to make their economy viable enough to sustain their growing population, but the growing quantities of US-earned dollars that are sent south each month encourage inaction.
William Gellman

In response to the Feb. 21 article on a border-crossing theme park in Mexico: I think the experience of crossing the US- Mexican border northbound could give a lot of Americans a real taste of how badly some people want or need to be in the United States. You might call it "social tourism."
N. Joseph Potts

Nativity-scene ban invites discrimination

The Feb. 22 article, "Nativity scene is too religious for New York City schools," had a nice diversity of opinions on the issue at hand. But I certainly do not think it is OK for schools to allow the Jewish menorah and the Muslim star and crescent in public schools if the Christian nativity scene is not allowed. There must be an "all or nothing" rule.

Instead of avoiding religion altogether, as schools do now, and teaching about everything else under the sun, I think it would be extremely educational and wise to teach children about many religions.

It certainly seems like a double standard to allow teachers to inform students about many other controversial topics, such as evolution and homosexuality, without teaching about both sides of the issues.

Religion cannot be avoided altogether. There would not be discrimination if a vast array of cultures and religions were put on display. That would help children be more aware of the immense diversity in our world.
Hannah Poschel
Knoxville, Tenn.

Tuning in to great literature

Regarding the Feb. 8 article, "Where have all the readers gone?": While I, too, lament the decline in reading in America, I think it's entirely possible that some of the people who walk down the street connected to digital devices may in fact be listening to recorded books. The number of unabridged books available nowadays on tapes, CDs, or in downloadable form is growing daily and includes both the classics and new titles.

For those of us who are trying to squeeze the joys of literature into our busy lives, listening to a captivating book while we endure the treadmill, suffer through housework, or walk the dog, is a godsend. And when it comes time to cross a street, wearing earphones is a lot safer than stepping forth with our noses in a book!
Kathleen Thorne
Bainbridge Island, Wash.

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