Lenore Skenazy

Guest blogger

Lenore Skenazy is “America’s Worst Mom.” (Google it!)

The New York City columnist- turned-reality show host got that title after letting her 9-year-old son take the subway, alone.

 In response to the media blowback, she founded the book and blog, “Free-Range Kids,” launching the anti-helicopter parenting movement. Her feisty belief that our kids are safer and smarter than our culture gives them credit for has landed her on talk shows from Dr. Phil to The View.

She lectures internationally (book her!) and has written for everyone from The Washington Post to Mad Magazine. Yep. The Mad Magazine.

On the Discovery/TLC International show "World's Worst Mom" she helps overprotective parents loosen the reins. She lives in New York City with her husband and two sons, who are half Free-Range, half Facebook addicts. One thing she understands: None of us is a perfect parent – and that’s OK.

Stories by Lenore Skenazy