Farm Care

A poem.

FARM CARE At times we travel, leaving the farm
in other hands, in a leap of faith.
A friend moves in, knowing the basics –
head count (six cows, one bullock, two horses),
the vet's number, a few good neighbors.
We pen last-minute notes, often to Emily,
details coupled to season: in spring,
to watch for morels, in August, that
the stream is drying – be sure to
fill the tank at the barn for the animals.
She knows.... We just feel better writing it down.
In June it may read like this:
"Help yourself to snow peas and kale.
Use the cabin if you like,
it's good sleeping back there this month.
The lamps are filled, but don't light a fire
in the hearth – the chimney swifts are
here and nesting."
Sue Wunder

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