Florida Gov. to President Obama: Show me the money!

Florida Governor Charlie Crist will join Barack Obama on Tuesday at a town hall meeting in Ft. Myers, Florida to promote the president's economic stimulus plan. Although a supporter of John McCain during the campaign, Crist has been an outspoken advocate for the $800 billion spending package.

Love is in the air.

With Valentine's Day less than a week away, Florida Governor Charlie Crist has applied to be President Obama's special bipartisan Valentine.

The White House announced today that Crist will join the president at a rally in Fort Myers to speak up for the gargantuan spending package known as the economic stimulus bill.

GOP love

The fact that he supports it isn't a surprise.

Along with three other Republican governors -- Vermont's Jim Douglas, Connecticut's Jodi Rell, and California's Arnold Schwarzenegger -- he's been an outspoken advocate.


For a while, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was thrown into the mix. The CATO Institute lumped her in with the supporters. But she has since put out a statement denying any support for the legislation.

You might remember that Crist was a big supporter of John McCain's during the election. But those loyalties only last so long. This is about money and jobs.

Show me the money

How did Obama get Crist's support?

We'd like to think the conversation went something like the phone call between Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Tom Cruise in the movie "Jerry McGuire."

Barack Obama (Tom Cruise): What can I do for you [to win your support for the bill]?

Charlie Crist (Cuba Gooding, Jr.): Show me the money!

Crist: Say it with me one time Barack.

Obama: Show you the money.

Crist: Not show you. Show ME the money.

Obama: Show me the money.

Crist: Louder!

Obama: Show me the money!

Crist: I need to feel you Barack.


Crist: Barack, you need to yell.


Crist: Congratulations. I'll back it.

Real life

Since that likely did not happen, we'll repeat what some press secretary wrote they said in announcing the event.

“I look forward to traveling to Ft. Myers tomorrow to talk to Floridians about how we get our nation’s economy back on track," President Obama said in a statement. "Gov. Crist and I have seen firsthand the toll that this economic crisis has taken on the American people, and we agree that we can’t allow politics to get in the way of urgent relief for the millions of families and small businesses that need it."

Florida has taken prudent steps to cut taxes for our people and balance our budget in these increasingly difficult times. Any attempts at federal stimulus must prioritize job creation and targeted tax relief for small business owners. I am eager to welcome President Obama to the Sunshine State as he continues to work hard to reignite the US economy,” Crist said in the White House statement.

Wasn't the first way better?

Anyway, the two will appear tomorrow at a rally scheduled for 12 noon in Fort Myers.

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