The six men accused of inciting Kenya's post-election violence

Six men were accused in the International Criminal Court Wednesday of crimes against humanity for their role in the ethnic violence that tore apart Kenya following the December 2007 presidential election.

Joshua Arap Sang

The only one of the six suspects who is not a politician or a public official, Sang is a young executive and former presenter on KASS FM, a radio station broadcasting across Kenya in the Kalenjin language. He presented a popular morning show where call-ins by listeners were common. The station was found to have used obscure references ridiculing the rival Kikuyu tribe during campaigning for a referendum on a new constitution in 2005, and human rights groups placed it on a watch-list for hate speech during the 2007 election.

After the vote, the Kenyan National Commission on Human Rights, whose reports were used by the ICC prosecutor, said that Sang’s shows helped plan the violence and sow the seeds of ethnic hatred felt by some Kalenjins towards the Kikuyu.

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