Rahmo Abdulqadir Farah, female journalist, killed in Somalia

Rahmo Abdulqadir Farah was reportedly killed in Somalia. The freelance female journalist was killed by two gunmen in Mogadishu on Sunday.

A media colleague says that gunmen in Somalia have shot and killed a female Somali journalist.

Abdikarim Ahmed Bulhan, the director of Abudwak radio in central Somalia, said Monday that two men armed with pistols killed 25-year-old Rahmo Abdulqadir Farah in Mogadishu on Sunday evening. Her murder brings the number of journalists killed in Somalia this year to three.

Somalia is one of the world's most dangerous places for journalist to operate. Last year 18 media workers were killed, mostly in targeted murders.

Mr. Bulhan called it an "outrageous killing" of an aspiring journalist. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the killing.

The government has promised to take action against those who kill journalists, but so far no arrests have yet been made for any of the journalist deaths in 2012.

The Committee to Protect Journalists says that 49 journalists have been confirmed killed in the line of reporting duties in Somalia since 1992.

Just last week, a journalist, Abdiaziz Abdinur, who was a freelance writer for The Christian Science Monitor and other publications, was released from jail.

He was imprisoned for interviewing a woman who claimed she had been raped by security forces. He never published a story, but "Abdiaziz Abdinur, a contributor to the Monitor, was jailed for a year on charges including insulting the government and making false accusations – even though he never published a story on the rape case. The 27-year-old woman he interviewed, who said she was raped by men wearing government uniforms in a camp for displaced people, was also convicted. Her 12-month sentence was suspended to allow her to nurse her newborn baby."

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

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