Owen Thomas

Contributor, The Home Forum

Email: Owen Thomas

Owen joined the Monitor in 1977 as a summer copykid and placed his first essay with The Home Forum before he was hired permanently that fall.

Owen’s Monitor career ended up being a tour of the Boston newsroom, mostly on the features side, including stints on the Monitor’s former Weekly International edition, the Special Section (a magazine-like pullout section), a staff writer on justice issues, People Editor, Ideas Editor, Home Forum Editor (for the first time), inaugural Deputy Editor of The Christian Science Monitor Weekly, and then Editor of the Weekly.

Along the way he was also editor of Sports, Kidspace, Gardening, Food, Cartoons, and probably some others he has forgotten. He was delighted to find that, within two weeks of his arrival as a summer worker, he was being asked to do everything he knew how to do, and challenged to do more. It stayed that way throughout his Monitor career. Owen stepped down as Weekly editor in 2020. He remains a contributor to The Home Forum.

Stories by Owen Thomas