Literary cats: How many of these famously bookish felines do you know?

From detective cats to healing cats to library cats, felines have earned their own peculiar niche in literature. How well do you know the furry beasts of the book world? Can you match cat to quote?

2. Which courageous kitty is being described here?

"He's a cat who can smell a single flake of tuna fish from three rooms away, who can spring straight up, five feet into the air, and catch a buzzing fly in midflight. Every leap from a chair back or table top is taken on faith, a potential leap into the abyss. Every ball chased down a hallway is an act of implicit bravery. Every curtain or countertop climbed, every overture of friendship to a new person, every step forward taken without guidance into the dark void of the world around him is a miracle of courage."

The plucky hero of Homer's "Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, or How I Learned about Love and Life with a Blind Wonder Cat," by Gwen Cooper

The brave Fledermaus of "Snowflake in my Hand" by Samantha Mooney

The personable stray of "A Cat Called Squeeky" by Vic Reskovic

The extraordinarily gifted hospital cat profiled in "Making Rounds with Oscar" by David Dosa

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