10 top etiquette tips for the social-media age

In his new book 'Social Q's,' columnist Philip Galanes offers suggestions for today's social quandaries.

2. Should I intervene on public transportation?

By Rsa

Other passengers don't offer those in need seats on the subway? Galanes says you have the right to speak up. "It's not a big imposition to stand for a few minutes so that less able people can sit," he writes. "And whether the young 'uns ultimately agree to give up their seats, the request will only take a few seconds." Someone treating a child unjustly in front of you, however, is a matter in which you can't intervene, says Galanes, if it's only verbal. "It's even harder to see how a stranger's intervention on a subway car will help matters – or to know, for sure, if help is even needed," he writes.

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