Mrs. Dwyer on trial in Tehran

Cynthia Dwyer, an imprisoned American freelance journalist, has been put on trial here and sentencing is expected in the next few days, a Swiss Embassy official said Wednesday.Mrs. Dwyer, of Buffalo, N.Y., was arrested in Tehran last May during a wave of anti-American feeling after the aborted US raid that attempted to rescue the American hostages. At the time of her arrest, Iranians claimed that Mrs. Dwyer was a spy. She was apparently held without formal charges since then.

Meanwhile, the head of Iran's Supreme Court, Ayatollah Muhammad Beheshti, promised a decision "within says" on the fate of four British citizens imprisoned in Iran since August. In the meantime, Iran plans to release a number of political and nonpolitical prisoners to coincide with the second anniversary of the revolution, Feb. 11, a Tehran newspaper disclosed.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini threatened Wednesday to intervene personally if political factions in his Iranian Islamic regime did not unite. The ayatollah's warning came in a speech at the Jamaran Mosque, next to his residence, and broadcast by Tehran Radio.

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