Mexico rethinks Salvadoran policy

Mexico ambassadors to 12 countries in the Caribbean and Central America are meeting here this week to look at Mexico's policies in the region. Monitor Latin America correspondent James Nelson Goodsell writes that this review may well signal the start of a new Mexican approach in the area, particularly in Central America, where Mexico has given guarded support to the leftist guerrillas in El Salvador in opposition to United States support of the centrist junta in that strife-ridden country.

More and more Mexican officials are questioning this stand, although it still has strong support in high government circles -- and fits into Mexico's traditional views on social and economic change. But a number of the ambassadors are known to question this approach, as do top officials in Mexico's Army

The discussions are not limited to El Salvador, however. Special emphasis will also be placed on Nicaragua and Cuba, and touch on each country in the a rea.

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