Winners, losers at Washington's aid window

State Net taxes returned (billions) ALA. $1.45 ALASKA $0.60 ARIZ. $0.95 ARK. $0.75 CALIF. -$1.10 COLO. $0.34 CONN. $0.19 DEL. -$0.36 FLA. $1.92 GA. $0.96 HAWAII $0.63 IDAHO $0.31 ILL. -$7.65 IND. -$3.40 IOWA -$1.46 KAN. -$0.22 KY. $0.67 LA. $0.36 MAINE $0.55 MD. $1.81 MASS. $1.59 MICH. -$7.25 MINN. -$1.29 MO. $2.38 MISS. $1.82 MONT. $0.27 NEB. $0.16 N.H. $0.14 N.J. -$5.56 N.M. $1.85 N.Y. -$1.73 NEV. -$0.13 N.C. -$0.29 N.D. $0.38 OHIO -$6.73 OKLA. $0.47 ORE. -$0.67 R.I. $0.08 S.C. $0.73 S.D. $0.43 TENN. $2.90 TEXAS -$2.07 UTAH $0.62 VT. $0.13 VA. $4.39 WASH. $0.91 W.VA. $0.34 WIS. -$2.38 WYO. -$0.11 D.C. 13.64 Source: Northeast-Midwest Institute

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