America's messiest garage

The average American spends 117 hours a year in his or her garage – and not just getting into and out of the car. That's because 95 percent of us use our garages for storage, 52 percent as a workshop, and 34 percent as a place to tackle car repairs.

With old Christmas trees and squirrels' nests vying for space with the family SUV, it's no wonder that 51 percent of respondents to a national survey taken this spring wished that their garages were better organized. And 27 percent admitted that they would be embarrassed if their neighbors saw the inside of their garage.

Maybe they already have. About a third of those surveyed say they know what's in their neighbors' garages, and 70 percent think that how organized a garage is reflects on the owner.

What does your garage say about you? If that's a scary thought, maybe you're a candidate for entering Rust-Oleum EPOXYShield's search for America's Messiest Garage. The grand prize is a $5,000 garage makeover.

Details and official rules are available at You'll need to submit a photo and a 100-word essay before Aug. 31.

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