
Even Mideast pessimists find hope in the Abraham peace plan

Regarding the Feb. 13 article, "Tracing Abraham's path to Mideast peace": Most of the time I am wary and weary of insincere peace efforts undertaken by trapped Israelis and Palestinians seeking to merely tweak a very toxic status quo.

But this project sounds sincere and good. It is humble yet amazing, relying on one path to peace, going simply step by step, in honor of one shared heritage; walking, not bickering about who is best – or who is the biggest victim.

I can't think of a better way to honor a patriarch and all of humanity's history.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.

Good manners can reduce violence

In response to the Feb. 13 article, "A 'disturbing' black murder rate": The historic city of Philadelphia is, of course, not alone in its gang problems and deaths of teenagers from all ethnic backgrounds.

It will take a combined effort of the police, city government, neighborhoods, and families to take back the streets.

What is sorely missing is the teaching and understanding of manners in daily life. Manners teach respect for others, and with that, hopefully, comes safety and civility in cities across the country.

Where do we go for instruction in this pursuit? The city's schools should have a class at the lower levels of elementary school in hopes of impacting future generations.
Gene Lassers
Long Beach, Calif.

Unwanted: KKK and illegal immigration

Regarding the Feb. 9 article, "Anti- immigrant sentiments fuel resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan": The alarming growth of the KKK should be of major concern to all who respect law and order and those who want to preserve a stable society.

History is full of warnings about the evils of the KKK and like-minded hate groups. Thanks to the article, America is being warned yet again.

I have long been a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and throughout recent years their publications have warned readers about the growth of the KKK.

The American people, Congress, and our state governments cannot afford to stand idly by while these groups continue to grow in size and strength.

The atrocities of the Nazi regime in Germany before and during World War II are still worthy of our attention, for some of these acts are being repeated by hate groups around the world.

Those who foster fear and violence still exist among us in both old and new generations of supporters.

The time for serious attention to the threat they bring is now.
Charlie Williams
San Diego

In response to the Feb. 9 article about immigration issues and the Ku Klux Klan: I'm also against illegal immigration. But this does not make me a member of the KKK.

The results of fine polling organizations regarding Americans' opinions on the issue show that almost 90 percent say illegal immigration is a very serious or somewhat serious problem.

Read newspapers' classified sections, and you'll see how many job listings require that the applicant be bilingual. This fact alone is troublesome.

If you want to talk about discrimination, just take a look at how many jobs are off-limits to many Americans because they don't speak Spanish!
Kevin Murray
Cumberland, R.I.

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