Readers write: good people of Iowa; Ventura and Trump; immigrant faces

Letters to the editor for the Feb. 15, 2016 weekly magazine.

Andrew Harnik/AP, Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, Feb. 1, 2016. Mrs. Clinton barely eked out a victory over Senator Sanders in Monday’s Democratic caucus race.

Thank you, Iowans
Regarding the Feb. 2 online article “After political upheaval in Iowa, what next?” ( The Democratic Iowa caucus vote ended in a virtual tie between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. In some ways, this 2016 vote mirrored the results of 2012, when Republicans Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum ended up in a dead heat.

One of the real takeaways for me, as an American first and a Democrat second, is just how invested the people of Iowa are in the political process. Say what you want about the differences between the candidates or the parties, but I am always inspired by Iowans’ grace and enthusiasm.

Despite the many challenges we face here at home and around the world, the good people of the Hawkeye State did their civic duty. Every American, regardless of party affiliation, is the beneficiary of their citizenship.
Denny Freidenrich
Laguna Beach, Calif.

Remember Jesse Ventura?
Regarding the Jan. 25 cover story, “The Trump effect”: The photo on the first page of the article is informative. The audience is largely young and male, which is often labeled as the most disaffected and politically put-off segment in the US population.

We in Minnesota know about this phenomenon. I saw the young men line up before the voting booths opened on the day Jesse Ventura was elected governor. That came after his campaign thrived on damning the press and politicians and then continued blaming them after his dismal term. How would you spell déjà vu in 2020?
Frank Nichols
Rochester, Minn.

Focused forward
Thank you for the marvelous cover photo on the Jan. 18 issue for the cover story, “Ellis Island of the South.” The focused young faces of those kindergartners at the International Community School in Decatur, Ga., are heartwarming!
Fred Duperrault
Mountain View, Calif.

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