Monday's coverage agenda: Post-election Iran, Air France, healthcare reform

Here is what we're covering today:

On Iran:

• Iran and the US. Howard LaFranchi explores whether the US will find Ahmedinejad chastened and easier to approach (assuming he stays in power), or the opposite?

Mousavi's next move. Scott Peterson, just out of Tehran, reviews the opposition candidate’s options to contest the election results?

Iran's Twitter factor. A roundup of coverage of how Iranians used Twitter to spread messages while cellphone transmission was down.

On the Air France crash:

Air France update. A brief roundup of the latest developments.

• The flight controller factor. Alex Marks explores whether a computer problem experienced by a flight controller contributed to the Air France disaster.

In US news:

• Arts report card. Stacy Teicher Khadaroo reports on a national snapshot of eighth-graders' participation and achievement in music and visual arts – the first look since 1997.

Trying Cuban spies. Warren Richey reports a Supreme Court decision that lets the espionage convictions stand of five Cubans tried in the anti-Castro hotbed of Miami.

Bill Clinton's new job. Howard LaFranchi on Bill Clinton's assignment for the UN: special envoy to Haiti. Why Haiti? Why Bill?

• Selling US bonds. Mark Trumbull reports on the drop last month in foreign investment in US bonds. Is it a sign that governments abroad are worried about US debt levels?

• Healthcare reform drive. Linda Feldmann on President Obama's full-court press to argue his plan for healthcare reform, taking his case directly to the American Medical Association, a key opponent.

• Doctors react. Mark Guarino in Chicago takes the pulse of AMA members after Obama's healthcare reform speech.

• Hate-crime law. Patrik Jonsson looks at what the recent shootings mean for the success of the hate-crimes legislation, which would expand the powers of the FBI to prosecute certain kinds of crimes in local jurisdictions.

In world news:

North Sea carbon dump. Valeria Criscione reports on a Norwegian plan to hold all of Europe's carbon dioxide in the North Sea basin. Norway recently invested nearly $200 million in a project to prove it can be done.

South Korea's safety. Don Kirk reports that the South Korean president, visiting Washington, wants US to announce that it will protect it from any North Korean aggression.

Official update in Iraq. Jane Arraf is covering a rare press conference by US General Ray Odierno, given with the Iraqi Interior minister.

• Glimpse of elite Cuba. Castro’s son, duped into an Internet "affair" by a Miami exile, reveals how the Cuban nomenklatura live.

• Mexican crackdown. Sara Miller Llana on Mexico's arrest of the Cancun drug cartel leader suspected of ordering the murder of a retired general put in charge of cleaning up the resort city.

Netanyahu's terms. Josh Mitnick on the hardline Israeli leader's key condition for a Palestinian state: Recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Is this the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict or just an artificial demand designed to impede progress?

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