'100 lashes if you don't die laughing' and 3 other Muhammad controversies

And though not all incidents have resulted in violence, a number of have drawn widespread protest and unrest around the globe. Here are three that caught attention worldwide.

3. Everybody draw Muhammad day

Shakil Adil/AP/File
Pakistani women affiliated with a religious party hold placards which read 'We are ready to die for Prophet Muhammad' during a rally against a Facebook group 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!' in Karachi, Pakistan on May 19, 2010.

In response to Comedy Central’s refusal to run an episode of “South Park” that featured and image of the prophet Muhammad, in April 2010 American cartoonist Molly Norris suggested that everyone draw images of the prophet in a show of solidarity.

A Facebook group was formed and news of it quickly spread, triggering rage and angry protests throughout the Muslim world. In Pakistan, the government went so far as to ban Facebook, Youtube, and Wikipedia in an effort to stop people from seeing the page encouraging people to draw Muhammad. 

The stunt had a number of outspoken critics in the West who said the day was not part of a constructive discourse. “The problem with the ‘in-your-face message’ of ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ is not just that it is inconsiderate of the sensibilities of others, but that it defines those others – Muslims – as being outside of our culture, unworthy of the courtesy we readily accord to insiders,” wrote James Taranto in an oped in the Wall Street Journal

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