Six ways the rich really do get richer

6. Good credit is money in the bank

Photo Courtesy of Robert S. Stevens/File
In 2006, Donald Trump's $125 million Palm Beach, Fla., mansion went up for sale.

In general, the more income and money you have, the easier it is to maintain a good credit rating. A good credit rating means paying less for everything from borrowed money to car insurance.

As I said above, I’m not offering an opinion on whether the rich should pay “their fair share,” or whether either political party best represents “the people.” And I don’t believe in warfare, class or otherwise. But there’s one thing that’s undeniable: Having money makes it easier to get more.

Stacy Johnson is a journalist, author, and executive producer and publisher of Money Talks News, a consumer/personal finance TV news feature that airs in about 80 cities as well as around the Web. This article first appeared in Money Talk News.

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