Europe travel alert: Eight steps Americans can take

You have booked tickets for the Paris International Photo Fair or perhaps your son is already in Berlin studying German. Now that the US State Department has issued a 'travel advisory' for Europe, what should you do?

6. Buy more insurance

Matthias Schrader/AP
Security was ramped up in Europe – including at the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich, Germany – after plans for a potential terror attack came to light.

If you are planning for a worst-case scenario, you might want to check with your health-care provider to see if you are covered when you are overseas. Sano says most supplemental Medicare insurance for people over the age of 65 does not cover the insured person overseas. But he says it’s possible to buy additional insurance for as little as $7 to $10 a day.

Trip insurance, which allows you to cancel your visit, is expensive, costing as much as 8 percent of the cost of the excursion.

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