Election 101: Nine facts about Mitt Romney and his White House bid

Mitt Romney has been groomed to run for president. He has the look and the political lineage. He’s been a governor, the quintessential training ground. And he’s essentially never stopped running since he conceded his first White House bid three years ago.

7. What is his religious and family background?

Julie Jacobson/AP Photo
Mitt Romney, left, greets supporters during a phone bank fundraiser on May 16 in Las Vegas. The former Massachusetts Gov. and GOP presidential contender worked with volunteers to reach out to voters and donors through cell phones and computers in a bid to raise money.

Romney, a Mormon, met his wife, Ann Davies, when she was about 10. She was riding a horse in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., and he was with fellow Cub Scouts taunting her. They met next at a high school party in 1965 when Romney was 17. He drove her home, and the two began dating. They married March 21, 1969. The Romneys have five sons, Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, and Craig, five daughters-in-law, Mary, Jen, Laurie, Andelynne, and Jen, and 15 grandchildren.

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