Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's top 5 quotes to the UN, 2005-2009

2. 2006: America's 'bleak record' on nuclear weapons

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addresses the 61st session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2006.

In 2006, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's was one-upped by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, who called then-President Bush the devil in his address to the UN General Assembly.

But Mr. Ahmadinejad gave a rousing presentation nonetheless, criticizing countries that possess nuclear weapons and prevent Iran from developing its own "peaceful" nuclear technology:

Some powers proudly announce their production of second and third generation nuclear weapons. What do they need these weapons for? Is the development and stockpiling of these deadly weapons designed to promote peace and democracy? Or are these weapons, in fact, instruments of coercion and threat against other peoples and governments? How long should the people of the world live with the nightmare of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons?

Ignoring criticisms of Iran's spotty record on nuclear transparency, Ahmadinejad rebuked the US for its "bleak record" of using nuclear bombs against humanity.

Here is his full speech at the 2006 General Assembly.

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