Election 101: Tim Pawlenty as 'everyman's' candidate? Ten points about who he is.

The former governor declared his candidacy for president May 22, and is hoping his foes’ flaws are his ticket to victory.

3. Who is his base?

Jim Mone/AP Photo
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a potential Republican presidential hopeful, arrives with his wife Mary for a fundraising dinner Wednesday, May 18, 2011 in Minneapolis. Several hundred people gave up to $2,500 per person to attend what aides were calling his biggest fundraising event of the financial quarter. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

“That’s the problem,” says Schier. “Who are the Pawlenty Republicans? It’s hard to a identify a faction of the party for whom he is a choice.”

Pawlenty is trying to turn that into an advantage by courting all factions. “I want to be every person’s candidate,” he told the New York Times. “That’s my goal.”

“He has the capacity to appeal to all parts of the Republican coalition,” says Hofrenning, noting that Pawlenty replicates the Reaganite formula of equal parts social and fiscal conservatism.

For his part, Pawlenty calls himself a “Sam’s Club Republican,” a reference to his humble roots and an appeal to working-class Republicans.

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