GOP convention winners and losers, from Condoleezza Rice to Clint Eastwood (+video)

10. Loser: David Chalian

Donna Svennevik/ABC/AP
Yahoo News Washington bureau chief David Chalian at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., in a photo released by ABC news on Aug. 28. Yahoo News fired Mr. Chalian after making a comment about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, before Yahoo began its live coverage of the GOP convention on Tuesday evening. Yahoo is streaming coverage in association with ABC News.

Juan Williams may have been criticized harshly, but the Yahoo News Washington bureau chief was the only person to actually lose his job over speaking without thinking.

It was the latest firing from a hot-mic incident: Mr. Chalian was caught on tape during an online video broadcast Wednesday saying that Mitt and Ann Romney were “not concerned at all” about hurricane Isaac and were “happy to have a party with black people drowning.”

Chalian, who was apparently joking with a colleague and wasn’t aware his remarks were being recorded and broadcast, was fired later that day.

Chalian later issued an apology to the Romneys, saying: “I am profoundly sorry for making an inappropriate and thoughtless joke. I was commenting on the challenge of staging a convention during a hurricane and about campaign optics. I have apologized to the Romney campaign, and I want to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to Governor and Mrs. Romney.”

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Dear Reader,

About a year ago, I happened upon this statement about the Monitor in the Harvard Business Review – under the charming heading of “do things that don’t interest you”:

“Many things that end up” being meaningful, writes social scientist Joseph Grenny, “have come from conference workshops, articles, or online videos that began as a chore and ended with an insight. My work in Kenya, for example, was heavily influenced by a Christian Science Monitor article I had forced myself to read 10 years earlier. Sometimes, we call things ‘boring’ simply because they lie outside the box we are currently in.”

If you were to come up with a punchline to a joke about the Monitor, that would probably be it. We’re seen as being global, fair, insightful, and perhaps a bit too earnest. We’re the bran muffin of journalism.

But you know what? We change lives. And I’m going to argue that we change lives precisely because we force open that too-small box that most human beings think they live in.

The Monitor is a peculiar little publication that’s hard for the world to figure out. We’re run by a church, but we’re not only for church members and we’re not about converting people. We’re known as being fair even as the world becomes as polarized as at any time since the newspaper’s founding in 1908.

We have a mission beyond circulation, we want to bridge divides. We’re about kicking down the door of thought everywhere and saying, “You are bigger and more capable than you realize. And we can prove it.”

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